Whether you’re renovating your home entirely, or are simply looking for a more sustainable routine, there are a number of ways to transform your home into an eco-friendly haven. Change can be difficult, and sometimes it’s easier to take small steps by making simple swaps along the way. Luckily, Marley’s Monsters is your one stop eco shop to find sustainable goods for any area of your life or room in your house. Being eco friendly doesn’t mean you have to stop doing what makes you, you. Choose from a variety of prints and colors for your sustainable items to keep your personality and unique style at the forefront. So, let’s talk about some tips and swaps you can make for a more eco-friendly home.

- Make the swap to UNpaper® Towels as a one time investment and save on buying single use paper towels
- Turn off faucets when not in use, don’t let the water run when hand washing dishes
- Try a Washable Sponge instead of plastic sponges
- Start a composting bin for kitchen scraps
- Try Reusable Coffee Filters instead of single use paper filters
- Look for energy efficient appliances
- Ditch single use plastic wrap and try Bowl Covers or Pan Covers
- Meal plan to avoid food waste
- Store bulk foods in Bento Bags
- Try a Washable Pail Liner for recycling
- Ditch single use plastic bags and swap to washable and reusable Snack Bags
- Use cold water for dishes whenever possible

- Look for water saving toilets and shower heads
- Ditch single use cotton balls and try washable and reusable Facial Rounds
- Shorten the length of showers when possible
- Try a bidet and pair it with Toilet UNpaper® to save on toilet paper
- Don’t let the faucet run when brushing your teeth
- Try a Bamboo Toothbrush instead of plastic
- Make soap bars last longer with a Soap Saver Bag
- Look for your favorite toiletries in bar from
- Ditch single use plastic menstrual products and swap to washable and reusable Moon Pads

Living Room
- Skip the single use duster heads and try a Washable Duster
- Make the swap to more efficient LED light bulbs
- Try making your own cleaning products
- Protect surfaces with Scrap Felt Coasters
- Repurpose glass jars for vases or plant propagation
- Clean with a Glass Spray bottle and Thieves
- Get the perfect deep clean with eco friendly Coir Brushes

- Opt for paperless bills, and unsubscribe from junk mail
- Look for used furniture when possible, and try your hand at thrifting
- Bring your own Market Triangle Tote, Reusable Straw, and Bamboo Utensils when on the go
- Walk, ride your bike, or take public transportation when possible
- Try your hand at gardening
- Shop local whenever possible to avoid emissions from shipping
- Collect rainwater and use to water houseplants
Everyone’s sustainability journey looks different; it’s all about making swaps or simple lifestyle changes where you can! By making the swap to sustainable items and practices in even small ways, you are making a positive impact on the environment. No one gets it right 100% of the time, but it will make a bigger difference if more people are practicing sustainable habits slightly imperfectly, than a few people doing it flawlessly. What other sustainable tips and tricks do you have? Reach out and let us know! We’d love to talk.